manwell girls in madrid

In between a weekend in London and a weekend in Paris, and before journeying on to Scotland, Mom and Abby have been spending the week in Madrid!  A trip to London has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, and I absolutely loved it, but I was more excited to have Mom and Abby in Spain with me.  

This week, Mom has been attending the European Literacy Conference, and I've been at my internship, so we've squeezed in meals together and sightseeing around our schedules.  Abby has had mornings on her own to explore art museums and such.  In just a week's time, they'll have seen a lot of the city and had a great sampling of food.  I know Madrid pretty well, so it's been fun to share unique places- both touristy and lesser known- with them!

With Abby at the Prado art museum
100 Montaditos- popular among all
Besides the top attractions, we also had the chance to go to a gala sponsored by Mom's conference on the university campus.  We enjoyed yummy Spanish food and a flamenco show al fresco.

On Thursday, we have plans to go to Alcalá de Henares and Camarma, where I lived last year while student teaching.  Most importantly, they will get to meet Pilar!!!  Friday we will spend the day/morning in Toledo before catching our flights to Paris!

So much travel, walking, and busy-ness (plus late nights and early mornings) has left us pretty tired, so we've built in some down time.  Thankfully, a week in Madrid is a good amount of time to see a lot and really take it in, so we have been able to add in a few siestas while still making sure that we see the city.  They have done great with the metro, and Abby has actually used some of her Spanish!


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