history in the making

Yesterday morning, King Juan Carlos abdicated the Spanish throne in favor of his son, Prince Felipe. Juan Carlos has been king since Spain became a monarchy after Francisco Franco died.  He stated that its time for a younger generation to take over.  

I’ve been doing a lot of research, which has lead to a lot of interesting conversations with Marta and our professors.  Spain’s governmental dynamic is very different and confusing to begin with because each region is somewhat autonomous, but all of the regions are under a monarchy.  With the King’s abdication, some Spaniards want to get rid of the monarchy all together and establish a “republic.”  Salva (my professor) and Marta prefer the monarchy, and most people I’ve talked to don’t think any drastic changes are going to happen in the government.  However there have been lots of demonstrations in Seville in support of a “socialist republic” or a “republic.”  

I still have a lot to learn about the government set up in Spain, but I have loved watching the news, reading the paper, and hearing more about the government and the royal family!  Last night we watched a special on TV about the life and rule of King Juan Carlos.  The whole time we were watching, Marta kept telling us about how much Prince Felipe looks like Juanjo (but probably every other mom in Spain has been telling her son this too).     

My favorite article that I’ve came across so far was comparing Princess (soon to be queen) Letizia to Princess Kate.  Marta says she doesn’t like Princess Letizia, but I don’t know why and she didn’t have a lot of good support to her reasoning :)  

I was reading on my USA Today app last night and saw a lot of articles about the King, but I’ve been curious if there’s as much talk about the King’s abdication in the states.  Most of the information I’ve been taking in has been in Spanish, so I’d love to hear about what you know!

I bought the Seville newspaper this morning so I have a souvenir to bring back with me to record this major event in Spanish history!  


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